2 May 2024
My book is NOW RELEASED in England. Texans understand the Ukrainian struggle for sovereignty. Foreign soldiers and terrorists are now flooding across the Texas border, just as Russia did in Crimea in 2014. America and Europe are being absorbed.
This goal of mine was 10 years in the making. My friends and supporters frequently did not believe I would ever finish this book. To the extent I could control content and quality, I did. These two volumes ship as a set and weigh approximately 15 kilos.
This book is about Kyiv, Ukraine (Maidan) on 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16 and 18 February 2014. I used a Nikon D2X, Nikon F5 and an iPhone 4. These two volumes are over 600 pages each.
kyjev, ukrajina
7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16 a 18 února 2014
nikon D2X, nikon F5, iphone 4
2 svazky po 600 stranách
600 obrázků rozložených na 1 200 protilehlých stranách formátu A3 si vybral 600 oblíbených z původních 1 600+
světové dějiny, fotožurnalistika, pouliční fotografie, umění
Svoboda projevu
"to záleží na tobě...„George Orwell
500 podepsaných limitovaných sad první edice v pevné vazbě v pouzdře